Well, these days I have decided that it is about time I clue Mommy in to my likes and dislikes. Generally, I'm a pretty contented baby, but I do have a few things that really push my buttons...
First, I don't like to be hot or even too warm! I think I get this from my mom! If Mommy puts me in anything that feels overly warm to me -- I let her know! The evenings are still nice and cool here, but the days are starting to warm up. Mommy has to put a light blanket over me so that the locals won't worry about me being too cold. But, underneath she puts me in cooler clothes -- it's our little secret! Shh! :)
Second, I don't like it when Mommy leaves the room. I am very happy to play with strangers and let them hold me, but I have recently decided that I don't like it when I can't see my Mommy! Last night we went to a friends house and I was happily playing with an Azeri lady until I noticed that Mommy had gone in the kitchen to help with the tea. I put out my bottom lip and started to whimper -- which all the Azeris thought was so cute! But, when Mommy came back I gave her a big smile!
Also, I don't like to take a nap when there are people around. I think I'm a pretty easy baby from this perspective. Once I'm fed Mommy just cuddles me and sings me a song and I go right to sleep for my nap. But, when we have guests around I am very restless becasue I want to be where the people are! I hear I got this trait from my Daddy! :)
Okay, well here are the things that I truly love...
First, I love to go outside. When Mommy puts on the baby carrier I smile and wiggle my arms and legs to show her how excited I am! I love going to the park, shopping, or basically anywhere that people are...
This brings me to my next love which is people! I love to smile at people on the bus or metro. I have made friends with all of the shop keepers in our neighborhood (at the deli, bakery, butcher shop, etc.) People just fascinate me!
And, finally, I love it when Daddy comes home! I know it's him because he knocks a certain way (besides everyone else rings the doorbell)! When I hear his knock I just about go crazy! Mommy takes me with her to unlock the door, and I always give him my biggest smile!