... Thoughts on our adventures ...
... sharing our thoughts on our adventures ...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Outing to the Park
Next word...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Horsey Ride
Family Fun Night Postponed
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Family Feista Night
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Movie Madness
Mommy is finally playing catch-up and learning to use the new video camera software.
So, be prepared for some old video footage...
like this one of the snow we had at New Year's!
I didn't want to touch the snow --
but I squealed with delight
when I got to walk around in it!
I liked the sound it made crunching under my feet!
Family Fun Night
For dinner we had Chicken Stir Fry Wraps
which we all love!
Click here and give the recipe a try
thanks to good ole Martha! I'm sure you will like it!
We alwasy make it when we can find lettuce
and red pepper at the market!

And here is a video of me playing hide and seek!
New babies are fun ... until they take up Mommy's lap!
I like her a lot! I kept trying to give her
some toys to play with, but she was too sleepy!
- I liked sitting beside her.
I especially liked giving her hugs!
The only part I didn't like was when
she was in my Mommy's lap. Normally, I don't mind sharing,
but I didn't like sharing Mommy very much.
Someday when I have a brother or sister
I will have to share Mommy, but I wasn't prepared to do that today!
I couldn't stay mad for long!
Just look at that face!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My Day at Home
Sometimes Mommy and I race to see if she can solve them as fast as I can unsolve them!
New Year's Resolutions in Our House

Anyway, during this day of refreshment and personal renewal... and looong naps... I have decided to post my families list of New Year's Resolutions:
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My Super-Duper Secret Fort
She was really cute in a wrinkly-newborn kind of way!
I was really entertained by just watching her!
(so that Juliana's Mommy could go to the doctor),
But, don't worry. We are going back on Thursday to help out,
In the meantime, I thought I would show you my new secret fort!

who knew a sheet and two chairs could be so cool!






I need to get back in here and keep having fun!
Talk to you guys later!
Love, Ada Marie