So, life in our house is slowly returning to normal!
Today I high-jacked Daddy's phone and thought I'd post a few pics from the last few months!
The first few are before I got sick and the last few are after.

This is me at church anxiously awaiting the arrival of my friends!
We usually get there first and I can hardly stand it because I am so excited to play with everyone!

Here I am playing outside with Daddy...
... in the mud!
I got mud all over my clothes, my hands, and even my face!
It was wonderful fun!
Swinging at the park -
Special thanks to Papak and Gamaw for the outfit!

I like to commandeer Gamps' hat whenever possible -
Mommy thinks it makes me look like Oliver Twist!
"Excuse me sir, may I have some more?"

There are a few nice things about recovery!
First, the doctor told my parents that I could eat anything I want for a couple of weeks!

Also, it was great to get out in the sunshine again!
When I started feeling better,
Mommy was anxious to get me outside in the
beautiful spring weather!
We have enjoyed the park, the lake, and the zoo this week!
P.S. My Mommy has a bit of a weakness for
floppy hats on little girls!

Another fun thing is Cousin Patrick came to visit Gamps and Gammie for his spring break!
He is great at entertaining me!
I especially love it when he reads me my bedtime story!

Tonight we all went out to dinner at
one of our favorite places
called Jerusalem Cafe.
They provided great food,
and I provided the entertainment!
Everyone laughed hysterically
when I decided that I should polish
Gamps' bald head!