As some of you may remember,
Mommy had big plans for the playroom.
She got some ideas together and started working on it ...
then, the semester got busy, Mommy got pregnant, and ...
progress on the playroom slowed to a screeching halt.
The playroom is actually a multi-functional
facility. We should really call it the play-laundry-scrapbooking-doggie bed-storage-lots of other stuff gets dumped in there-room.
But, due to Mommy's insane nesting instinct & her decision to stay up way too late several nights in a row, the playroom has now had a make-over. She cleaned & sorted & organized & painted. Would you like to see it?

Mr. Bear and Mr Duck are considering which coloring book to draw in next.

Without a doubt, this toy kitchen is my favorite thing in the world right now!

My book nook is also a favorite spot!
Do you like my art work?
This piece is a family of zebras and a family of dinosaurs (specifically T-rex).
Mommy asked me what I was drawing, and I carefully explained each part.
The zebras are running and the dinosaurs are eating candy.
I like to be specific in my descriptions.
This is the view from the door.
I was very excited because I got to help put these ladybug "stickers" on the walls.

Mommy is especially proud of this toy bench.
She got it at a garage sale for $5, but it was hot pink with yellow polka-dots.
Daddy helped her paint it & she recovered the seat.
I keep all my dress-up clothes in there.

This shelf was given to us by a family that was moving away& we painted it to match.
This is where I like to keep all of my art supplies.
I especially like the messy ones!
Well, thanks for checking out the play room.
Daddy and Mommy have also done a lot of work in my room,
so they will post pictures of it soon too!