Since we don't usually get to celebrate our birthdays with our cousins ...
and they don't usually get to celebrate with us ...
When we kids came upstairs on the last night together the grown-ups had decorated
for a surprise birthday party for all 5 of us!
We were so surprised & excited!
We got to celebrate all of our birthdays together!
We had an Oreo ice cream cake & a present for each cousin!
Mommy & Daddy got Caleb a new boat lego set!
Uncle Joel & Aunt Joy got me cars: Lightening McQueen, Mater, and Francesco!
Mommy & Daddy got Anya some new beach toys & furniture for her doll house!

Uncle Joel & Aunt Joy got Benjamin a truck that goes by itself
& 4 new story books!
We also got Daniel a present for his "birth-day" ...
He was asleep for the party,
but I'm sure he will like his wooden
push-toy seal that flaps his flippers!

We think it should be a tradition!