Aunt Ginny reading to the cousins ...
Cute Marie
Uncle David bonding with Emma!
All the turtles swam up to greet us at the National Zoo!
& Lots of fun on the playground!
It was an amazing blessing to have Gramaw with us for the birth as well! (This is one of my favorite pictures ... ever!)
Grandma certainly made the transition home so much easier!
It was beyond wonderful to have her there to help out
& to join us in celebrating Benjamin's arrival! It was also a very special time because she really bonded with Ada!
Since that visit, Ada has talked excitedly about "Gramaw" and
regularly asks to go see her in Tukrey! We dedicated Benjamin to the Lord a few months later,
which was a very special event for our family!
We were so blessed to have Gramps, Grammie, and Ompak with us!