Mommy has gotten rather behind on FFN recently.
Don't be too hard on her,
it is mid-semester crunch
and she hasn't been feeling great lately.
But we did manage to have a FFN a few weeks ago that
included grilled steak, vegetable saute, and garlic bread.
And for fun we made blue berry pie!
We had a big bag of blueberries in the freezer
that we picked from our back yard last summer.
And Mommy discovered that I love to roll out pie crust!
Sorry, Mommy didn't get any pictures of the pie after it came out of the oven.
That's because we ate it! ;)
This past Saturday we invited Grammie, Gramps, and Ompa
over for FFN!

Mommy made chili and cornbread muffins.
I enjoyed eating it (off of Gramps' plate!)
Then we played a short game of
It was my job to decorate the slips of paper!
I took my job very seriously and left no slip of paper unturned!
Then we cut out gingerbread cookies!
I thought Gramps needed some help!
So, I gave him a hand!
It was really fun to make a mess with the flour!
I especially liked making the "Cookie Babies!" (i.e. gingerbread men) and the "Stars!"
We also made pumpkins, turkeys, bells and snowmen.
I liked to put the babies in my glass of milk and make them swim
and encourage them to "Kick, kick, kick!"
Hi Ada! Sounds like you have been having lots of fun. I'll have to try your swimming instructions the next time I have cookie babies :-)