Today when I woke up Daddy was there to make me breakfast, but Mommy was already gone. I looked for her everywhere, but I couldn't find her. Daddy said she would be back soon. Sure enough, she got home just as I was finishing my fruit and cereal. She had been to the doctor to check on our baby.
So far our baby is healthy and everything is fine. Next time Mommy says I can come with her. Grandma & Daddy will get to come too. We are going to go see the baby on a TV and try to see if it is a boy or a girl.
We have talked a lot about names, and I think we have all agreed for the moment. We still reserve the right to change our minds! :) It was very hard to all agree. Mommy likes names that are traditional or family names, Daddy likes names that are trendy, quirky, or uncommon (like Ada) and I like names that are easy to say like Elmo, Dora, or Puppy!
Right now we are thinking that if she is a girl we are going to call her Elizabeth ( nicknamed Ellie) and if he is a boy we are going to call him Benjamin.
We will find out January 7 and let you know! :)
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