Here are some more details on my birthday party!
Mommy and Daddy made wands for the girls and swords for the boys.
Daddy carved and painted the swords.
Mommy made this welcome sign for the front door!
I was super-excited about my castle & dragon cake!
We also did a treasure hunt - you can see the map on the right.
I LOVE balloons!

bewildered with excitement

Gramps and Grammie brought me flowers!
Thanks for all of the lovely presents!
Aunt Ginny gave me a pretty dress.
Aunt Allene & Uncle Carey gave me an owl pillow.
Patrick gave me super-hero phase ten cards!

Gramps and Grammie gave me this ballerina doll
& Mommy and Daddy got me the matching dress!

We got out my "dress up" box
& Aunt Allene couldn't resist putting wings on Benjamin!

All dressed up!

We played "put the sword in the stone" which
is the fairytale version of
pin the tail on the donkey.
I was very excited when everyone sang to me &
I got to blow out my candles!
Thanks everyone for a wonderful birthday!
Love, Ada Marie
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