We all had a wonderful Easter,
here are a few highlights!
First, we went to church...

Then we went outside...

Then we went over to Grammie's for a fancy Easter lunch.
After that I took a nap, and when I woke up
I got to open my Easter basket!

Then we went outside to hunt for Easter eggs...
After I found one, I just wanted to run around and play,
so Daddy had to find the rest of the eggs for me!
Good job Daddy -
catching up on childhood memories!

Then I got to enjoy some of my Easter treats!
and I shared some with Ompa.
Actually, the first two attempts to give
Ompa a jelly bean were unsuccessful ...
somehow they kept ending up in my mouth at the last minute!
But on the third try I managed to give him one!
Happy Easter Everyone!
Love your new blog design, Ada :-)