Well, it has been a long time since I posted pictures from a family fun night.
Actually, I think the last one had a Valentine's Day theme.
Oh well, Mommy is trying to get back to it, although her creative juices are a bit low these days.
In celebration of spring and the absolutely divine weather we have enjoyed for the last couple of weeks, we decided to do an outside family fun night!
The inspiration came because our neighbors were getting rid of this fun play kitchen. Their grandkids had played with it in an outside play house, so it was kinda dirty. Otherwise, it was in good shape. I was so excited about it -- I LOVE the play kitchen in the church nursery.
So, Daddy hauled it on the back deck and we proceeded to clean it off. This inspired an outside family fun night/water fight - which Mommy (as the designated photographer) was spared from. Daddy & I however got very wet!
There was lots of giggling and spraying and running from the water hose!
This is when I realized that my shorts were soaking wet!
We did actually get some work done too!
It cleaned up really nicely!
I had a lot of fun getting Daddy wet!
It was so nice and warm outside!
I don't know why I am making a funny face here ...
I think I have a mouth full of fruit!
Note: The kiddy pool and mat are in the background because the deck guy had to remove them in order to wash the deck. The weather has been so nice, I think we will try to set the pool up again soon -- I am very excited about this!
Leo was very excited to be a part of family fun night!
He doesn't get food from the table ...
But he did get plenty of love and attention!
LOVE the new blog background. Ada!!