... Thoughts on our adventures ...

... Thoughts on our adventures ...
... sharing our thoughts on our adventures ...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Sorry, but this post has a bit of a prologue:
So, Mommy and I needed to go to the store today.
And, since it was still snowing, Mommy decided to put her foot down and make me wear my winter boots! (no pun intended ... hahaha)
Now, if you know how much I HATE socks and shoes,
you can imagine how I feel about boots...
yes, boots... big, hot, uncomfortable, slow-me-down-when-I-want-to-run boots!
Yuck! So, this whole process of getting my feet into the boots was a total disaster
that involved a lot of sweat and tears on both our parts.
Once, I was finally ready, Mommy thought I looked so cute,
she wanted to take a picture.
But, since I was not in the picture-taking mood, I decided to protest by simultaneously pulling off Mommy's hat and grabbing her mouth as she snapped our self-portrait!
(You can't see it, but her hat is in my other hand.)
Ahh, that's better, she got her hat back on now, well, sort of,
and I'm warming up to the idea of a photo. See that smile coming?
Yeah, I just might smile ... despite these silly boots!
Afterall, we are going outside to see the snow, that's worth a smile!

There it is! There's my smile! Hurray for snow!
Once we got outside I was so amazed by the snow,
I forgot all about my boots. Mommy is hoping that they stay forgotten!

1 comment:

  1. Shoes, especially boots, can be very uncomfortable :-( But we do still have to wear them sometimes. Your Aunt Ginny and Aunt Allene will happily commiserate with you about shoes any time you want :-)
    I'm glad you were able to enjoy the snow, though! And thanks for the smile!
